
i’m probably just a bunch of quotations…

“I’m a pretty impossible lady to be with.” – Kimya Dawson in Tire Swing

“The idea that I can’t share my problems with other people makes me not give a shit about their problems.” – Chuck Palahniuk in Invisible Monsters, 1999 (which is actually a very wrong statement, verbally, because i do share my problems HERE especially, don’t i? d’oh. but i don’t give a shit about others’, most of the time, is true.)

“I don’t care what they do with my book so long as the flippin check clears.” – Chuck Palahniuk

“We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens.” – Chuck Palahniuk

and with that i’ve just realized how negative and apathetic myself is…

…until i found this:

“Kopi tubruk itu lugu, sederhana, tapi sangat memikat kalau kita mengenalnya lebih dalam. Kopi tubruk tidak peduli pada penampilannya, kasar, membuatnya pun sangat cepat. Seolah-olah tidak membutuhkan skill khusus. Kedahsyatan kopi tubruk terletak pada temperatur, tekanan, dan urutan langkah pembuatan yang tepat.” – Hotel Santika Lobby Lounge booklet

then i decided i AM kopi tubruk πŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “allophelia

  1. Oh wow your blog is amazing! I am literally so impressed. I just wondering, judge by your witting quality, you must be a reporter. Correct me if I am wrong.

    1. Ahaha… I’m honestly flattered. But, sorry to disappoint you, I’m neither a reporter nor a journalist. Am just a writing-enthusiast πŸ™‚
      Thanks for swinging by, Greg.

    1. Halo, mas Didi

      Kalau yang dicari adalah kehalusan bokeh, tentu f/1.8 lebih unggul. Ukuran focal length hanya soal selera dan kebutuhan. Kalau sering memotret di dalam ruangan, aperture dan kecepatan lensa juga menentukan pilihan, yang akan jatuh pada f1.8

      MudahΒ²an membantu, ya.
      Salam πŸ™‚

    1. Hai, dg situru
      Terimakasih sudah jauh-jauh berkunjung. Hehe. Maaf kalau banyak comment di fotonela yang tidak terespon. Dengan senang hati saya buka forum juga disini πŸ˜„


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